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Have you hit the “glass ceiling” so many times, it feels as if the top of your head is flat? Has your journey through the executive ranks seem to have stalled out? Are your dedication and hard work going unrewarded? Are you feeling underappreciated or misunderstood in the workplace? If so…welcome to The Club!

“This is THE place, where like-minded, executive-minded, forward-thinking women come to communicate—collaborate—and celebrate everything that it means to be a career-focused woman in a male-dominated work environment. This isn’t about ‘us vs. them.’ This is about us making a name for ourselves—taking a seat, and truly owning that seat, at the executive table—and doing so not as ‘clones’ of men, but as authentic, self-confident, self-empowered women.”

Amanda Blesing

2 x Author; Women’s C-Suite Mentor & Executive Coach; Founder: The She-Suite™ Club

Where empowered women empower other women. Because when women win, everyone wins.

Turning LinkedIn DMs into Career Opportunities: A Guide for Executive Women

These days, LinkedIn is far more than just a platform for building your personal brand—it’s a gateway to new opportunities, leadership roles, and strategic partnerships. The direct messaging (DM) feature is a powerful tool to spark conversations, grow your network, and create meaningful connections.

Worth mentioning: the DM isn’t like the formal emails of times gone by. It’s more personal, shorter, informal, and has immediacy —almost like a text message – yet can still be just as impactful for driving your career forward.

Hand on heart, I’ve made every DM mistake in the LinkedIn playbook. So today I’m sharing what I’ve learned over the years of sending hundreds of messages a day – what works and what doesn’t – so you don’t have to make the same mistakes I did.

How to Turn LinkedIn DMs into Career Opportunities

Here’s how to leverage LinkedIn DMs and turn them into career-defining opportunities:

1. Embrace the Power of Informality – But Don’t Mistake Casual for Careless.

One of the key differences between LinkedIn DMs and traditional emails is the tone. DMs are more conversational and less formal. While an email might require a structured approach—“Dear Ms. Smith,” followed by a formal introduction—DMs allow you to be personable straight away.

Instead of focusing on a polished, rigid opening, embrace an authentic voice that still commands professionalism. Your tone can be lighter, which makes it easier to establish rapport quickly. However, balance informality with respect for the person’s time and position. Don’t mistake casual for careless.

Example: “Hi [Name], I’ve been following your journey in [industry/topic] and would love to connect. Your recent post on [topic] really resonated with me.” “Hi [Name], I really enjoyed your post on [industry/topic] specifically bullet point 8. Shall we connect?”

2. Clarity Is Key—Without the Length

Unlike formal emails, DMs are meant to be short and sharp. Executives don’t have time to read a long, drawn-out message, so get to the point while still showing interest and respect. In an email, you might be more detailed in your ask or explanation. In a DM, succinctness is key.

The biggest mistake I see from consultants and executives alike is laying it all out like a formal email. It simply looks like you’re trying too hard.

Instead, keep your message focused and clear about why you’re reaching out. Whether it’s to discuss industry trends, collaborate on a project, or ask for advice, be concise in your approach.

Example: “I’d love to get your insights on [specific challenge/idea]. Let me know if you’re open to a chat!”, “I’m hosting a morning tea in your neck of the woods next month – would you be interested in an invitation?”  (rather than simply sending the invitation)

3. Leverage Common Ground

Building rapport is crucial, and LinkedIn gives you the advantage of immediate visibility into shared connections, mutual interests, or similar professional experiences. This is where DMs differ from a cold email—you can highlight common ground upfront.

Reference a mutual connection or comment on a recent post they’ve shared to establish relevance and credibility, or that you’ve seen their interview in the AICD magazine and you like what they said about [insert industry challenge]. A shared interest makes the outreach feel warmer, personal and more genuine, which is often the opposite of a cold email that can feel more transactional.

4. Initiate with Purpose, Not an Ask

One of the most common mistakes with LinkedIn DMs is jumping straight to “the ask.” Allegedly, this works for formal emails but not for DMs.

Instead, lead with a connection or offer value, rather than asking for something immediately. Think of a DM as starting a conversation rather than closing a deal.

If you’re reaching out for the first time, show interest in the other person’s work, share a relevant article, or even comment on a challenge they’ve mentioned or a recent post. Save the bigger ask (like an intro or meeting) for later, once rapport is established.  This is perfect as part of a sponsor and champion nurture strategy as well. Nurture is the key word.

5. Stay Authentic—Aim for Conversational, not Scripted

It can be tempting to copy and paste the same message for multiple connections, but LinkedIn DMs require a personal touch. The casual tone of a DM means it’s obvious when you’re using a template, and nothing turns people off faster than feeling like one of many. While you might re-use some elements of your outreach, tailor your message for each recipient.

Remember, LinkedIn gives you easy access to recent posts, recent comments on others’ posts, shared articles, and even their bio. Use this information to customise your message in a way you wouldn’t necessarily do with a traditional email. Although keep it light, otherwise you risk come across as creepy.

6. Respond Thoughtfully, Not Hastily

With DMs, there’s an expectation for faster responses than with emails, but that doesn’t mean rushing. You know how much you hate it when you connect with someone and there is a DM in your inbox almost immediately. Don’t do the same back inadvertently.

Take the time to respond with intention and thoughtfulness. Your replies should reflect your executive-level experience and strategic thinking.

If someone reaches out to you for advice or collaboration, use this as an opportunity to demonstrate your leadership. Answer their questions thoughtfully and position yourself as a trusted voice in your field with an offer for a conversation to follow up.

And while there is no magic amount of time between DMs, you don’t want to leave it too long ether, or opportunities may pass you by.

I personally LOVE the starred feature in the DM section. Haven’t found it yet? Go check it out now. Fabulous for flagging a message that you want to get back to, but don’t have time today. It’s been a god send actually as I have an amazing team who help me with my LinkedIn, and this helps them leave messages for me to respond to personally later in the day.

7. Follow Up with Purpose

One of the advantages of LinkedIn DMs is the immediacy, but that doesn’t mean you should drop the ball after a single exchange. A great DM conversation deserves a follow-up. Unlike formal emails, where follow-ups can feel like chasing, LinkedIn offers a more organic way to stay in touch.

If you’ve had a positive exchange, suggest a next step—whether it’s setting up a coffee or wine chat (virtual or in-person), sharing a relevant article (found this, thought of you), or sending a brief follow-up a few weeks later. The goal is to keep the relationship warm and show that you’re committed to building long-term connections. And for women in particular, quality connection is incredibly important and beneficial.


The digital world is always changing, and LinkedIn DMs give executive women a unique way to connect, collaborate, get introductions, and even advance their careers in a faster, more dynamic way. By understanding the differences between DMs and traditional emails—and leveraging the informality and personal connection that DMs enables—you can turn casual conversations into powerful career moves.

Ready to make your LinkedIn DMs work for you? Start today by reaching out authentically, offering value, and building connections that matter.

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